The aim of The Learning Loft is, and always has been, to enable people of all ages who have Specific Learning Difficulties, including dyslexia and dyspraxia, to become more independent, confident and successful in their learning. I work with my students on a one to one basis in a quiet room purposely designed with the student in mind.
Each of my students has their own strengths, personal learning needs and interests, so one of the first things I do is to identify these. This allows me to work with them following a highly personalised learning plan in order to provide highly structured support.
By working one-to-one, I am able to build a strong working relationship with each student. This means that their confidence increases quickly, both in me and, more importantly, in themselves. Self-confidence is crucial in learning, so building this means that students are rapidly able to progress and become independent learners. I actively encourage students to explore their own areas of interest, and will adapt my teaching materials to include these, so that students are kept engaged throughout the session.
“Your support for N has been amazing! Thank you so much! She’s come such a long way in her English and her confidence as well.”
Parent of N, Yr 10
“I really thought you would like to know that J did so well with his GCSEs and so much of his success was down to you.”
Parent of J, Year 11